ASEAN Young Socialpreneurs Program is a biennial program organized by the GEO FISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada to bring together young social entrepreneurs from ASEAN and Timor-Leste and immerse the participants in a collective forum of scholars, practitioners, and professionals. Through two weeks of stimulating program and activities, AYSPP 2019 aims at improving the participants' critical understanding and social awareness in this increasingly wider digital society. As aspects of Information and Communication Technology are consistently advancing, society is expected to effectively harness the arts of digital world. Noting the positive trend of ASEAN’s powerhouse economy, making essential uses of technology is pivotal for enterprises. Thus, AYSPP 2019 will then raise the theme:


Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives & promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive & equitable quality education & promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive & sustainable industrialization & foster innovation
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change & its impacts
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within & among countries
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change & its impacts
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within & among countries


"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry."

Bill Drayton, Leading Social Entrepreneurs Changing the World (2004)


CEO Talk

Ayspp Workshop



Company Visit

Social Business Plan

A set of activities for youths from ASEAN to create a business plan which significantly addresses social problems in the society. There are six main concerns: services, technology, creative industry, culinary, agribusiness, and tech-startup. The best 20 groups will be selected to attend the final round as well as the other AYSPP programs in Yogyakarta. For more information regarding the submissions, please refer to the Registration section.

Selection Timeline

A.  First Submission

1. Participants will submit the registration documents and Social Business Lean Canvas (please refer to the Registration section for the template).

2. We will select the best 20 teams based on the eligibilities and criterion needed.

B.  Second Submission

The selected 20 teams will be requested to:

  1. Video Submission
  • The maximum duration of this video is 60 seconds;
  • The video will be uploaded on your Social Business's Instagram feed (if you don't have any business account, your team leader may post the video). Please give the hashtag #AYSPP2019 and tag @ayspp_ugm;
  • The video's theme is about a day in office; 
  • The video should be uploaded no later than 4th of October 2019.

2. Infographic

  • Submit your business infographics in .jpg or .pdf to with the e-mail's subject: INFOGRAPHIC_(Business Team's Name);
  • The infographic should be uploaded no later 4th October 2019.
The top 5 best video and infographics will receive program fee waiver and 1 return tickets.   C. Grand Expo

At the very end of this program, teams will present their pitch deck to potential investors.


Judges are to be announced


Lecture is one of the highlights of the ASEAN Young Socialpreneur’s Program 2019. We will be providing comprehensive lectures covering contemporary issues regarding the emergence of social entrepreneurship in this very digitalized society using the ASEAN region as a main case study. The topic of the lectures will include: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship, Digital Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, Funding and Financial Management, Strategic Marketing and Management in the Digital Era and last but certainly not least, Business Sustainability. These courses are believed to be able to equip our young social entrepreneurs to be successful in the startup businesses. 1) Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship by Sorawit Paiboonrattanakorn 2) Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Nisakorn Valyasevi 3) Intentional Strategy and Storytelling by Suhaila (Aila) Nordin 4) Business Sustainability by Faezal Murni 5) Strategic Marketing and Management in the Digital Era by Lavinia Lasub


The workshop is designed to introduce the practical concepts revolving around social entrepreneurship in the modern age and its contribution to the society. Through this workshop, participants will be given the secrets and the tips on how to ensure the sustainability of social entrepreneurship by inviting a panel of professionals within the social entrepreneurship industry. The workshop will also enable participants to work directly on their businesses and consult personally with the professionals.

Keynote Speaker

Keynote speakers are to be announced


Participants will be invited to visit places that are fun and socially-valuable, aligning with social-preneurship. This will make participants not only take a break in their regular courses but also enrich their knowledge. They will visit several social entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta with the purpose of observing the business mechanism in their companies as well as expanding the networks by meeting new people in the same field.


One of ASEAN Young Socialpreneur’s Program main aims is to bring into light the social issues that are prevalent within today’s society thus, through the volunteering program, participants will be able to volunteer in several renown non-governmental organizations (NGO) surrounding Yogyakarta. Participants will then be able to identify social issues that are present in Yogyakarta and discover business-related solutions to these existing social issues to further promote the idea of social entrepreneurship. 1) Kelas Inspirasi 2) Bye Bye Plastic Bags Jogja

Company Visit

Participants will be visiting to several different companies to learn more about on-field condition of businesses that incorporates social values. They will learn clearly how the company maintains, processes, and become sustainable as well as learn the ways in which the company contributes to the society through implementing social values in their company. Some of the companies that participants will be visiting include but not limited to: Bumi Langit, Jogja Digital Valley, Yayasan Penyandang Cacat Mandiri, Agradaya. Participants will also be able to expand their networks by meeting new experts within the industry of the social business field. 1) Ecoprint Arane 2) ViaVia Yogyakarta 3) Bumi Langit 4) Agradaya

CEO Talk

Experts under the social business field will be invited to the ASEAN Young Socialpreneur Program to present about their respective businesses, highlighting the challenges as well as the ways in which those challenges can be combated to aid in the success of the participants’ business. In this session participants can ask questions directly with the experts about their businesses. Thus, the CEO talk will allow participants to be more aware about how social businesses are run especially within grass-roots level. How to Develop your Business by: 1) Richard Yim (CEO and Founder of Demine Robotics- Canada) 2) Dan and Monika Carlin (Founder and Co- Founder of Invigorated Water) 3) Fardi Yandi (CEO and Founder of Social Kreatif)



Team Participant Admission

1. The competition requires a team to consist of 1 – 3 student(s) or youth in the age of 16 – 30 years old.
2. The member of the team must be:

  • A student from a university or youth from an organization originated from ASEAN member countries; or
  • A student or youth from other countries across the globe who has social entrepreneurship project in ASEAN member countries.

3. The social entrepreneurship project or business proposed must be between 1-3 years, and the business model could refer to the priority goals mentioned in the dashboard of website.
4. A team may consist of students or youth from different institutions and/or countries.
5. In the case of cross-border team, the team can only be admitted from where the social entrepreneurship project is conducted.
6. A person can only be registered in one team.

Individual Participant Admission

1. Individual aged between 18 - 35 years old
2. Interested in sociopreneurship
3. Interested in AEAN
4. All nationalities are welcome


Team Participant Admission

1. The team must fill the online registration form on AYSPP 2019 official website by creating an account, create an account here.
2. The team must:

  • Submit a statement letter confirming that the social entrepreneurship project or business proposed is between 1-3 years. Please refer to this template;
  • Submit a pass photo of each member
  • Submit a scanned identity card (for Indonesian participant) or passport (for international participant) of each member;
  • Upload AYSPP 2019 poster to your team's Instagram and make it as creative as you can. Kindly tag at least 3 people to invite them to join our program.

After completing the account registration, the team must submit the Business Model Canvas in format of a canvas, which participants could refer to this template. However, feel free to use your own template as the canvas in the link solely serves as a reference. Please submit the canvas before the deadline given.; By submitting the Business Model Canvas, a team has automatically been registered. Your idea must follow the criterion and eligibility stated on requirements.

Individual Participant Admission

1. Prepare a one page motivation letter explaining why you want take part ini this program
2. Prepare a scanned identity card for Indonesian or passport for international participant
3. Prepare a passport-size photo
4. Submit all the aforementioned documents above through our admission system here
5. Refer to the following guidelines here


November 19, 2019


It was such a hot, sizzling day!

However the participants had so much fun, as always, being able to visit the infamous Borobudur Temple! Everyone took many pictures and also learned about the history of the temple from the tour guide.

November 19, 2019



The first activity that the ASEAN Young Socialpreneurs Program (AYSPP) participants joined on November 14 was attending a talkshow. The talkshow is titled “The Role of Social Innovation to Reduce Social Inequality”, held by Creative Hub Fisipol UGM as a part of its Social Impact Festival.

November 19, 2019


ASEAN Young Socialpreneurs participants were asked to participate in a focused group discussion (FGD). The participants already prepared their presentation outlines the day before at the previous FGD session on November 12. The objective of this second FGD activity was to provide the participants some time to finalize their business case models and ideas.



Global Engagement Office

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences - Universitas Gadjah Mada Address: Jl.Socio Yusticia no.1, Bulaksumur Post Code: 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Phone: +62-274-563362 ext. 182

Website :