November 11, 2019On the last day of AYSPP 2017, the participants were invited to enjoy the beauty of Yogyakarta culture by visiting Borobudur Temple. Before leaving for the location of the temple located in Magelang regency, Central Java, the participants ate breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, participants were immediately mobilized to the two UGM buses to depart for Borobudur because the time had shown at 8.15, 1 hour late than scheduled. This is because the participant must check out the room first and leave their belongings at the concierge before leaving the excursion so that it takes a long time to mobilize the participants. In addition, not all participants took part in this excursion because some of them had to go back to their respective cities or countries.
The trip to Borobudur Temple takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes so it is only at 9:30 the two buses arrive at the excursion location. Participants were immediately directed towards the entrance which was a short distance from the bus parking at that time. While at the entrance, there are already several committees who are ready to distribute tickets for domestic and international participants. After all participants entered the temple area, they were immediately divided into 4 groups by country: Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia + Singapore, and the Philippines + Cambodia. Each group was accompanied by a tour guide who would accompany around the temple and explain the ins and outs of the Borobudur Temple. Before going up to the temple, participants were invited to take pictures together at the photo location in the park area.
The temple tour was ended at around 11:30 and participants were gathered at the western exit of Borobudur Temple to jointly walk back to the bus parking lot. The trip continued with lunch at Jejamuran Restaurant located on Jalan Magelang. After taking a 45-minute trip, the participants finally arrived at a restaurant that specialized in providing a variety of menus made from mushrooms. The participants were treated to a unique menu that might not be available in their country such as mushroom satay, mushroom curry, fried mushrooms and karedok mushrooms. After lunch, all participants were mobilized to the bus for the trip back to the hotel. Although it looked rather exhausted, all participants seemed very satisfied with the temple tour and the typical culinary that they enjoyed on that day.
Arriving at the hotel, the participants parted ways with other participants and also with the committee. Some took pictures together, exchanged souvenirs and exchanged personal contacts. The kinship that exists is closely related even though they come from various countries and only 5 days together. After parting and taking all the items from the concierge, the participants were immediately delivered to their respective destinations such as stations, airports and other hotels where they would later use buses and cars provided by the committee. The return of all the participants signaled the end of the 2017 AYSPP series that has been going on since September 15, 2017. Through various media, the participants expressed their impressions and gratitude to the committee who had held this event to success. Participants and organizers both hope that the AYSPP 2019 will be more successful this year.