November 19, 2019Today’s lecture program was the final lecture of ASEAN Young Socialpreneurship Program 2019. There were two speakers that gave the lecture; they were Jake Orak and Liesellote Heederik. By the same topics, they offered difference perspectives of funding and financial management.
1st speaker:
Mr. Jake Orak, the founder of Ethnotek, started the session by sharing his overview about his company that he built and managed with his wife. He explained that fundraising is a fulltime job and made an underline that it will distract you from the customers. One of the methods was crowd funding, which is not easy either, even more complicated than it seems. He also explained that you should understand what the investors want, what are their expectrations. Don’t pretend as if you have the answers and in this rate, transparency is not less important. You are expected to be honest to your own investors. He suggested some rules on how they managed their funding such as to update your funding weekly especially in the morning. It would make less mistakes because our brain is still fresh. Then maintain good relationship with every people that involved in the enterprise. At the discussions, Mr. Jake explained about the key of avoiding lump sums and convincing the supplier, which is building a relationship with your supplier, ask about their life, make them like you and build a friendship. In the transparency, show your longterm plan. Build trust among them, but be careful with people you are going to work with because there are alot of scam. Being different makes you much easier to get new customers, quick sales without ad spend, and of course, investment.
2nd speaker:
Ms. Lissellote Heederik, the co-founder and director of Nazava, before she started the lecture, she asked the participants if they already have an enterprise or enterprise with investors. Then, she started it by sharing how she did the funding management. She believed that the first movement would be definitely saving, and then planning the business. Joining some competitions are also effective for them. They could gain the money or prizes as their funds. They called the investors are angel investors that will give you incubators and easier loans. In incubators phase, they have two mentors that understands investment. Even include shareholders as well. They believed that them and investors should be familiarized with each others because they want to make sure that and don’t want a devil take your money from their company. Aside from working with resellers for crowdfunding, and they use some pro bono services, too. Ms. Lissellote also admit that they still need loans. She shared some links that one of them offered for pitching in the end of slides.
In this workshop, the participants were given two different tasks to discuss into 4 people. Which are imagining it’s the year of 2022 and write down where the participants want to be with their enterprises and answer the following question based on the points that Ms. Lissellote gave before. Furthermore, Mr. Jake gave an exersise as well, where the participant would write down top 3 competitors, top 3 things they do worth replicating, elevator ptich for how they are different, things no one is doing that they can own, and the last one would be the mission statement.
Kuliah hari ini adalah kuliah terakhir dari Program AYSPP. Ada dua pembicara yang memberikan kuliah; mereka adalah Jake Orak dan Liesellote Heederik. Dengan topik yang sama, mereka menawarkan perspektif perbedaan pendanaan dan manajemen keuangan.
Pembicara pertama:
Jake Orak, pendiri Ethnotek, memulai sesi dengan berbagi pandangannya tentang perusahaannya yang ia bangun dan kelola bersama istrinya. Dia menjelaskan bahwa penggalangan dana adalah pekerjaan penuh waktu dan menggarisbawahi bahwa itu akan mengalihkan perhatian Anda dari pelanggan. Salah satu metode adalah pendanaan kerumunan, yang juga tidak mudah, bahkan lebih rumit daripada yang terlihat. Dia juga menjelaskan bahwa Anda harus memahami apa yang diinginkan investor, apa harapan mereka. Jangan berpura-pura seolah-olah Anda memiliki jawaban dan dalam tingkat ini, transparansi tidak kalah pentingnya. Anda diharapkan jujur kepada investor Anda sendiri. Dia menyarankan beberapa aturan tentang bagaimana mereka mengelola pendanaan mereka seperti memperbarui pendanaan Anda setiap minggu. Kemudian pertahankan hubungan baik dengan setiap orang yang terlibat dalam perusahaan. Pada diskusi, Jake menjelaskan tentang kunci meyakinkan pemasok, yaitu membangun hubungan dengan pemasok Anda, bertanya tentang kehidupan mereka, dan membangun persahabatan. Dalam transparansi, tunjukkan rencana jangka panjang Anda. Bangun kepercayaan, tetapi berhati-hatilah dengan orang-orang yang akan bekerja dengan Anda karena ada banyak penipuan. Menjadi berbeda membuat Anda jauh lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru, penjualan cepat tanpa pengeluaran iklan, dan tentu saja, investasi.
Pembicara kedua:
Ms. Lissellote Heederik, pendiri dan direktur Nazava, sebelum memulai ceramah, ia bertanya kepada para peserta apakah mereka sudah memiliki perusahaan atau perusahaan dengan investor. Kemudian, dia memulainya dengan membagikan bagaimana dia melakukan manajemen pendanaan. Dia percaya bahwa gerakan pertama pasti akan menabung, dan kemudian merencanakan bisnis. Bergabung dengan beberapa kompetisi juga efektif, karena bisa mendapatkan uang atau hadiah sebagai dana mereka. Ia menyebut para investor itu malaikat investor yang akan memberi Anda inkubator dan pinjaman yang lebih mudah. Ms. Lissellote juga mengakui bahwa mereka masih membutuhkan pinjaman. Dia membagikan beberapa tautan yang ditawarkan salah satunya untuk pitching di akhir slide.
Dalam lokakarya ini, para peserta diberikan dua tugas berbeda untuk dibahas. Yang pertama, peserta diminta untuk membayangkan dimana perusahaan peserta berada di tahun 2022.. Selanjutnya, Pak Jake juga memberikan pelatihan, di mana peserta diinstruksikan untuk menuliskan 3 pesaing teratas, 3 hal teratas yang pantas mereka tiru dan apa yang membedakan bisnis mereka dari yang lain.