November 11, 2019


1)Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship by Sorawit Paiboonrattanakorn (Founder of Saturday school Thailand & Forbes 30 under 30)

On November 4, Mr. Sorawit Paiboonrattanakorn’s lecture on Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship marked the beginning of this year’s ASEAN Young Socialpreneurs Program (AYSPP). He started the lecture with an ice breaking session, where the audience could interact with each other before the session starts. Ranging from animals to social problems, the session clarified the scope of what  the lecture would discuss.

This lecture gave the audience an overview of what is a sociopreneur, what do they do, and what is the indication so an enterprise could be categorized as a social enterprise. Sorawit, which is the CEO and founder of the Saturday School later elaborated about his enterprise and the session followed with a question and answer session in which the participants are eager to ask about social entrepreneurship in general. Although the time had elapsed, the participants were still very interested in learning more about social entrepreneurship which later discussed in the break time.


2) Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Nisakorn Valyasevi (Product Manager of Ricult Thailand)

Nisakorn Valyasevi started the Lecture on Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship with a discussion on the problems that drive her company, Ricult, to develop and become a social enterprise. From the unstable weather to low access to the market, she summarized the common problem that farmers faced in daily life. Uncertainty about the things that farmers cannot control such as weather and topographic derives the creation of the application that could provide localized information to help farmers plan their agricultural activities. The discussion rose into an analysis of the outcome and data that was produced by the application, which fruited some questions on how the local producers and social entrepreneur startup should use the internet to reach a wider audience and market.


3) Intentional Strategy and Storytelling by Suhaila (Aila) Nordin (CEO & Founder of NIAT Living Bali)

Alia Nordin, the CEO and founder of NIAT Consulting kicked the session with figuring out what were the problems that urged the audience nowadays, and how to communicate well to the audience. She emphasized the discussion on the topic of intention. Realizing your intentions before starting what you are about to do, particularly before starting a business. She began her session with a meditation to set our intention for the session. Relating intention to business is knowing your intention to then ultimately create a feeling for your business. The crucial notes for this will be to fine a meaning for the company, and setting a colour theme and design that would suit the meaning behind the company (i.e. the intention). to create a memorable feeling for the audience. After setting on the core foundation of the business, the next important aspect is MARKETING. Marketing in no difference to storytelling, hence the skill to work on is the skill to communicate your story. 5 points to have is:

1. Immensing your audience

2. Make it personal

3.Have a suspence

4. Bring characters to life

5. Build up memorable phrases

6. End positively






1) Pengantar Kewirausahaan Sosial oleh Sorawit Paiboonrattanakorn (Pendiri sekolah Sabtu Thailand & Forbes 30 di bawah 30)

Pada tanggal 4 November, ceramah Mr. Sorawit Paiboonrattanakorn tentang Pengantar Kewirausahaan Sosial menandai awal dari Program Young Socialpreneurs ASEAN (AYSPP) tahun ini. Dia memulai kuliah dengan sesi ice breaking, di mana audiens dapat berinteraksi satu sama lain sebelum sesi dimulai. Mulai dari hewan hingga masalah sosial, sesi ini mengklarifikasi ruang lingkup dari apa yang akan dibahas oleh kuliah tersebut.

Kuliah ini memberi audiensi gambaran tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan sosiopreneur, apa yang mereka lakukan, dan apa indikasi sehingga suatu perusahaan dapat dikategorikan sebagai perusahaan sosial. Sorawit, yang merupakan CEO dan pendiri Saturday School kemudian menguraikan tentang perusahaannya dan sesi diikuti dengan sesi tanya jawab di mana para peserta bersemangat untuk bertanya tentang kewirausahaan sosial pada umumnya. Meskipun waktu telah berlalu, para peserta masih sangat tertarik untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang kewirausahaan sosial yang kemudian dibahas pada waktu istirahat.

2) Inovasi Digital dan Kewirausahaan oleh Nisakorn Valyasevi (Manajer Produk Ricult Thailand)

Nisakorn Valyasevi memulai Kuliah tentang Inovasi Digital dan Kewirausahaan dengan diskusi tentang masalah yang mendorong perusahaannya, Ricult, untuk mengembangkan dan menjadi perusahaan sosial. Dari cuaca yang tidak stabil hingga rendahnya akses ke pasar, ia merangkum masalah umum yang dihadapi petani dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ketidakpastian tentang hal-hal yang tidak dapat dikontrol oleh petani seperti cuaca dan topografi menghasilkan pembuatan aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi lokal untuk membantu petani merencanakan kegiatan pertanian mereka. Diskusi meningkat menjadi analisis hasil dan data yang dihasilkan oleh aplikasi, yang membuahkan beberapa pertanyaan tentang bagaimana produsen lokal dan startup wirausaha sosial harus menggunakan internet untuk menjangkau khalayak dan pasar yang lebih luas.

3) Strategi Disengaja dan Bercerita oleh Suhaila (Aila) Nordin (CEO & Pendiri NIAT Living Bali)

Alia Nordin, CEO dan pendiri NIAT Consulting memulai sesi dengan mencari tahu apa masalah yang mendesak audiens saat ini, dan bagaimana berkomunikasi dengan baik kepada audiens. Dia menekankan diskusi tentang topik niat. Sadari niat Anda sebelum memulai apa yang akan Anda lakukan, khususnya sebelum memulai bisnis. Dia memulai sesi dengan meditasi untuk menetapkan niat kami untuk sesi ini. Mengaitkan niat dengan bisnis adalah mengetahui niat Anda untuk kemudian pada akhirnya menciptakan perasaan untuk bisnis Anda. Catatan penting untuk ini adalah untuk memperjelas makna bagi perusahaan, dan menetapkan tema warna dan desain yang sesuai dengan makna di belakang perusahaan (yaitu niat). untuk menciptakan perasaan yang tak terlupakan bagi penonton. Setelah menetapkan fondasi inti bisnis, aspek penting berikutnya adalah PEMASARAN. Pemasaran tidak ada bedanya dengan mendongeng, maka keterampilan untuk mengerjakannya adalah keterampilan untuk mengomunikasikan cerita Anda. 5 poin yang harus dimiliki adalah:

  1. Melemahkan audiens Anda
  2. Jadikan pribadi
  3. Memiliki penundaan
  4. Bawa karakter untuk hidup
  5. Bangun frase yang mudah diingat
  6. Berakhir secara positif
July 12, 2019


On the last day of AYSPP 2017, the participants were invited to enjoy the beauty of Yogyakarta culture by visiting Borobudur Temple. Before leaving for the location of the temple located in Magelang regency, Central Java, the participants ate breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, participants were immediately mobilized to the two UGM buses to depart for Borobudur because the time had shown at 8.15, 1 hour late than scheduled. This is because the participant must check out the room first and leave their belongings at the concierge before leaving the excursion so that it takes a long time to mobilize the participants. In addition, not all participants took part in this excursion because some of them had to go back to their respective cities or countries.

The trip to Borobudur Temple takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes so it is only at 9:30 the two buses arrive at the excursion location. Participants were immediately directed towards the entrance which was a short distance from the bus parking at that time. While at the entrance, there are already several committees who are ready to distribute tickets for domestic and international participants. After all participants entered the temple area, they were immediately divided into 4 groups by country: Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia + Singapore, and the Philippines + Cambodia. Each group was accompanied by a tour guide who would accompany around the temple and explain the ins and outs of the Borobudur Temple. Before going up to the temple, participants were invited to take pictures together at the photo location in the park area.

The temple tour was ended at around 11:30 and participants were gathered at the western exit of Borobudur Temple to jointly walk back to the bus parking lot. The trip continued with lunch at Jejamuran Restaurant located on Jalan Magelang. After taking a 45-minute trip, the participants finally arrived at a restaurant that specialized in providing a variety of menus made from mushrooms. The participants were treated to a unique menu that might not be available in their country such as mushroom satay, mushroom curry, fried mushrooms and karedok mushrooms. After lunch, all participants were mobilized to the bus for the trip back to the hotel. Although it looked rather exhausted, all participants seemed very satisfied with the temple tour and the typical culinary that they enjoyed on that day.

Arriving at the hotel, the participants parted ways with other participants and also with the committee. Some took pictures together, exchanged souvenirs and exchanged personal contacts. The kinship that exists is closely related even though they come from various countries and only 5 days together. After parting and taking all the items from the concierge, the participants were immediately delivered to their respective destinations such as stations, airports and other hotels where they would later use buses and cars provided by the committee. The return of all the participants signaled the end of the 2017 AYSPP series that has been going on since September 15, 2017. Through various media, the participants expressed their impressions and gratitude to the committee who had held this event to success. Participants and organizers both hope that the AYSPP 2019 will be more successful this year.

July 12, 2019


The fourth day of AYSPP starts at 06.00 WIB. Today is the top 5 announcement for participants held in the hotel ballroom. The five selected participants were Zikaway, Narakopi, Coass, Youth Home, Chhlat, each from the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia. Assessment of selected participants based on judges’ deliberations and judgments.

After the announcement, the Top 5 that have been announced will remain in the ballroom to get direction on the next stage, while the participants who have not been selected as the Top 5 will be directed to have breakfast immediately.

The next stage for the Top 5 is the Grand Final. At this stage the finalists will be challenged to present their products or services in front of the jury. This stage allows for a longer question and answer session and several more in-depth assessment criteria regarding the business of the finalists. In addition, the finalists were also given 5 (five) hours to prepare a presentation that contained the sustainability of their respective businesses. This also distinguishes between the final stages and the previous stages.


Before delivering the presentation, the finalists were given time to practice first. The participants were also given the opportunity to test their presentations on the projector and runagan provided. This is one way for the presentation process to run smoothly.

Next, the presentation was delivered by each finalist in front of the judges. Opportunities given to finalists are 10 (ten) minutes each, then followed by a question and answer session from the jury for 20 (twenty) minutes. The jury at this stage is

  1. Suslie Lie;
  2. Hendrie Adji Kuswoeo, M.Sc., Ph.D;
  3. Jonathan Chang;
  4. Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand Merc, Ph.D.


After the finalists delivered their presentation, the judges were given the opportunity to deliver who was the winner based on the predetermined assessment indicators. Based on the results of the judges’ evaluation, the winner is:

  1. Zikaway (winner);
  2. Youth Home (1st runner up);
  3. COASS (2nd runner up).

After determining the winner by the judges, the next event is free time and the participants are required to use their country’s unique clothing to be used during Cultural Night.

DurIng the Cultural Night event, the participants and organizers used traditional clothing from their respective regions. During the event, the participants will present dances and performances to be presented to the audience. Attendees consisted of representatives of the UGM FISIPOL, representatives of KEMENLU RI, Jury Representatives, participants and organizers. Here, the audience enjoyed dinner accompanied by acoustic music.

Finally, Cultural Night is closed by giving prizes to the winners and a photo session

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